Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day Five - Quebec and onward

What a day this one was. Cass and I left my brothers place a little later than we wanted but were still on schedule for driving to Quebec for that evening. We had been trying to book a hotel but hadn't found any space. We figured we could just stop in to a Motel for the night off of the transcanada.

When we got to Quebec we thought it was a very nice city. To get to it we had to cross a large suspension bridge.

We drove around the city for a bit trying to find possible hotels or a place to park. Little did we know Cirque Du Soleil was in town as well as fire works and the New France festival. Hotels were packed and some roads were closed.
It was odd being in Quebec because we had to get Gas and food but everyone assumes you speak french. "Hello, Parles Vous Englais?" turned into a good way to start conversations.

It was pointless staying in the city so onward we went to see if a motel could be found closer to New Brunswick. Every motel from quebec to who knows where in New Brunswick was booked solid for Saturday night though. So after driving, staying awake off of caffeine and sugar we decided to pull off on to a truck stop and try to sleep, uncomfortably, in the car at 2:30 am. That lasted about 2 hours until I decided to drive out the rest of the way to Fredricton.

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