Friday, September 24, 2010

Hurricane Igor

I thought about making "I survived Igor" T-shirts but decided against the idea. 
Cassandra and I and our whole block went without power for just over 50 hours. Which is a very large inconvenience when you start noticing everything you use electricity for. Thursday evening we decided to go out for dinner. After dinner, before we made evening plans Cass thought we should just swing buy the house. Cassandra had a hope but I was skeptical the power came on in the space of an hour. To my astonishment the lights were on in the window. It was nice to finally be able to flick a light switch to see in the dark and not have to light candles for warmth.
On the first day I just thought power would be out overnight. I didn't realize the devastating winds that Igor brought with him downed hundreds of trees over power lines. Even 100 year old trees in peoples yards were up rooted. Across the province communities are still stranded with washed out bridges and limited or no power, water, gas or food. I hope they pull through.


1 comment:

  1. so glad you guys were ok, and made it thru your 1st hurrican. Hope you don't have to go thru another one any time soon. So many people were asking about you both and were calling baba & me alot. That was ok thou because they love you and were concerned. Even Manitoba Hydro people were emailing me and checking to see if you were ok. A few of the guys said they would come out and get your power on for you.

    feel the love
